How to Wear a Condom: A Comprehensive Guide for Safe and Effective Use

As a sexually active person, it’s important to take steps to protect yourself and your partner from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancy. One of the most effective methods of protection is using condoms. However, it’s not just about using a condom – it’s about using it correctly. In this article, I will guide you through the steps of how to wear a condom properly.

Wearing a condom correctly can help prevent the spread of STIs and reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy. It’s important to note that condoms should be used every time you have sex, from start to finish. This includes oral, vaginal, and anal sex. When used correctly, condoms can be up to 98% effective in preventing pregnancy and the transmission of STIs.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that you are using condoms correctly and effectively. Remember, it’s important to use a condom every time you have sex to protect yourself and your partner. Let’s dive into the steps of how to wear a condom.

Why Wear a Condom

Wearing a condom during sexual activity is important for several reasons:

  • Preventing unwanted pregnancies
  • Reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Protecting against HIV
  • Providing a barrier against genital herpes, syphilis, and other STIs

Condoms are a reliable and effective form of contraception when used correctly. They are easy to obtain and do not require a prescription, making them accessible to anyone who wants to use them.

Additionally, condoms can help to reduce the spread of HIV and other STIs. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “condoms can reduce the risk of transmitting HIV and some other sexually transmitted infections.” Using a condom can protect both partners from infections that can lead to serious health problems.

Overall, wearing a condom is a simple and effective way to protect yourself and your partner during sexual activity. It is important to use a condom every time you have sex to ensure maximum protection against unwanted pregnancies and STIs.

Choosing the Right Condom


Choosing the right size condom is important for both comfort and effectiveness. A condom that is too small can break or slip off, while a condom that is too large can slip off during sex.

To find the right size condom, measure the length and girth of the penis. Most condoms come in standard sizes, but there are also larger and smaller sizes available.

When measuring the length, use a ruler or measuring tape to measure from the tip of the penis to the base. To measure the girth, wrap a measuring tape or string around the thickest part of the penis and take note of the measurement. Use these measurements to find the right size condom for you.


Condoms are made from a variety of materials, including latex, polyurethane, and lambskin. Latex condoms are the most common and are effective at preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Polyurethane condoms are a good alternative for people with latex allergies, but they are not as effective at preventing STIs as latex condoms. Lambskin condoms are made from sheep intestine and are not effective at preventing STIs, but they can be used as a form of birth control.

When choosing a condom, consider your own preferences and any allergies you may have. It’s important to use a condom made from a material that you are not allergic to in order to prevent irritation or an allergic reaction.

How to Put on a Condom

Putting on a condom is an important step in protecting yourself and your partner from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies. Follow these simple steps to ensure proper use of a condom:

Step 1: Check the Expiration Date

Before opening the condom wrapper, check the expiration date. Using an expired condom can increase the risk of breakage and failure. If the condom is expired, do not use it and choose a new one.

Step 2: Open the Wrapper Carefully

Using your fingers, carefully tear open the wrapper along the edge. Be careful not to use your teeth or any sharp objects that could damage the condom. Once the wrapper is open, remove the condom and hold it by the tip.

Step 3: Pinch the Tip of the Condom

With the condom held at the tip, use your other hand to pinch the tip of the condom to leave some space for semen. This will help prevent the condom from breaking during use.

Step 4: Unroll the Condom onto the Penis

Place the condom on the head of the erect penis and unroll it down the shaft. Make sure the condom is unrolled all the way to the base of the penis. If the condom is not unrolled all the way, it may slip off during sex.

Step 5: Check for Breaks or Tears

After ejaculation, hold the base of the condom and carefully pull out while the penis is still erect. Check the condom for any breaks or tears. If the condom is damaged, do not continue to use it and choose a new one.

Tips for Using Condoms

Using condoms is an important part of safe sex. Here are some tips to help you use condoms effectively:

Use a New Condom Every Time

I always make sure to use a new condom every time I have sex. It’s important to use a new condom for each sexual act to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancy. Using a condom that has already been used or using more than one condom at a time can increase the risk of breakage or tearing.

Use Lubrication

Lubrication can make sex more comfortable and enjoyable, and it can also reduce the risk of the condom breaking. I always use a water-based or silicone-based lubricant with my condoms.

I apply a small amount of lubricant inside the tip of the condom before putting it on and then add more lube to the outside of the condom after it’s on my penis. Avoid using oil-based products like lotion or cooking oil as they can weaken the condom and cause it to break.

Store Condoms Properly

I always make sure to store my condoms in a cool, dry place. Heat, light, and moisture can all cause condoms to break down and become less effective. I keep my condoms in a drawer or cabinet away from direct sunlight and heat sources. I also check the expiration date before using a condom to make sure it hasn’t expired. If a condom is past its expiration date, I don’t use it.

Communicate with Your Partner

Communication is key when it comes to using condoms. I always talk to my partner about using condoms before we have sex. We discuss our STI status, birth control options, and any other concerns we may have. It’s important to make sure both partners are on the same page and comfortable with using condoms.


In conclusion, wearing a condom is an important part of safe sex. It can protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies. Remember to always check the expiration date on the condom package before using it.

When condoms are old or stored improperly, the latex breaks down, which increases the risk that the condom will be less effective. When putting on a condom, make sure to use a new condom for every act of vaginal, anal, and oral sex throughout the entire sex act.

Before any genital contact, put the condom on the tip of the erect penis with the rolled side out. If the condom does not have a reservoir tip, pinch the tip enough to leave a half-inch space for semen to collect. Roll the condom on when your penis is erect (hard), but before it touches your partner’s mouth or genital area.

If you experience any discomfort or irritation while wearing a condom, try using a different type or brand. There are many different types of condoms available on the market, including latex, polyurethane, and polyisoprene. Some condoms are also coated with lubricants to make them more comfortable to wear.

Remember, wearing a condom is a simple and effective way to protect yourself and your partner during sexual activity. It is important to practice safe sex and use a condom every time you have sex.

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