34 Best Penguin Tattoo Ideas
Table of Contents
About Penguin Tattoos

Animal tattoos are exceedingly popular options for many reasons. Some people feel interconnected to a certain animal because of their personality and traits or what they represent in the animal kingdom.
For example, lions and tigers are seen as mightly and tough while a rabbit or bird is more graceful. You may also be enticed to wear a tattoo that matches your Chinese zodiac animal.
Now, this might be a stretch but have you ever considered getting a penguin tattoo? Penguins can represent duality, positive change, and adaptability—all very desirable traits. So, it’s no surprise that many people choose to get this animal inked on them.
In this article, you’ll see some of the best penguin designs. That way you’ll have plenty of visual inspiration for this tattoo in case you’re curious. I’ll also explore some other important factors to consider before getting inked with a penguin tattoo.
This guide will highlight the following:
- Meaning and symbolization behind the penguin tattoo
- Places you can wear a penguin tattoo
- The average cost of a tattoo
- The history behind this tattoo
- Famous folks who have a penguin tattoo
What Do Penguin Tattoos Mean And Symbolize?

In the introduction of this article, I briefly touched upon the penguin meaning. To continue, on a broad scale, this animal has a very spiritual essence to it that one may not expect.
Let’s go through these spiritual meanings one by one:
- Penguins are extremely adaptable to their environments. This bird has adapted to fly through the water instead of the sky. By getting a penguin tattoo you could be reminding yourself of the same thing.
If you’re someone who can transition into new situations effortlessly, then you’re similar to a penguin! Adaptability is a great trait to have in your personal and professional life.
- Penguins stay cool. If you’re someone who considers themselves to be cool, calm and collected, then you’re also similar to a penguin. Penguins are typically seen wobbling on the Antarctic ice and are overall pretty chill, not just in terms of temperature but personality-wise too.
- Penguins are dual-natured. These birds are black and white and live in cold and warm climates. If you’re someone who aims to live a life of balance and duality, then a penguin tattoo can accurately represent that.
- Penguins symbolize devotion and parental love. These animals take monogamy very seriously and stick with one soulmate for life. Penguins are social creatures who spend lots of time with their tribe. If you’re family-oriented and want to honor the immense love you carry for your family, then getting a penguin tattoo is a good choice.
Above, I’ve listed the various things a penguin tattoo can symbolize and represent. However, you may just want to get this tattoo because you love penguins!
I don’t blame you. These birds are fluffy, friendly, and clumsy which makes them adorable creatures to commemorate through a tattoo.
Where To Get A Penguin Tattoo

So, you’ve decided you want to get a penguin tattoo. But, you’re not sure where to get it. No worries—I’ve got your back (which is ironically one of the places you can get this tattoo).
Here are some other places where you can get a penguin tattoo:
- Ankle/ foot: An ankle or foot tattoo is ideal for those who want a subtle design that can be easily covered up if need be. This area doesn’t attract a lot of attention but it can still be charming if someone happens to see it. If you want to keep your tattoo small and simple, then we suggest placing it either close to your ankle or on the top of your feet.
- Upper back/ shoulder: For a medium–sized tattoo, the upper back or shoulder is a fantastic canvas for your penguin tattoo.
- Forearm/ sleeve: Not so hidden unless you wear a long-sleeve shirt, this area is perfect for sharing your penguin pride loudly and proudly. Getting a tattoo on your forearm can also be a conversation starter.
- Below the wrist: Although this tattoo placement typically causes more pain due to the lack of body fat, it looks especially delicate and eloquent. If you have a tiny tattoo in mind, then this area will showcase it nicely.
- Side body: For a sneaky penguin tattoo, you can choose to get inked on either side of your body near the top of your ribcage. This is a suitable option if you want to add a cute tattoo to your body without being super flashy.
How Much Do Penguin Tattoos Cost?

You may be wondering how much you have to stash away to afford a penguin tattoo. Fortunately, I’ve got an approximate and very fluctuating answer which will hopefully give you an idea of how much you need to save.
However, keep this in mind: depending on the size, detail, and color, the price will shift.
For a small and simple penguin tattoo you can expect to pay around $50—that is if you’re keeping it black and white. A medium-sized tattoo will cost you about $150 to $450.
The price will also depend on the hourly rate of your tattoo artist. Usually, a beginner with less experience will charge less or may even offer to tattoo you for free. A highly experienced tattoo artist, on the other hand, will charge accordingly.
Some tattoo sites recommend not going in for a tattoo unless you have at least $100 saved up. I think this is a fair rule of thumb to keep in mind. After all, you get what you pay for and when it comes to a permanent mark on your body you don’t want to cheap out.
34 Best Penguin Tattoo Designs
If you don’t have a specific image in mind when it comes to penguin ideas, don’t fret. This section of the guide will give you a variety of penguin tattoo images to help you picture which one you think would look best on you. Have a look!


































History Of Penguin Tattoos

We’re not sure how long people have been getting penguin tattoos but we do know that penguins have existed for over 22 million years.
Some scientists argue that these animals originated in Antarctica while others say their homeland is in Australia and New Zealand. Penguins are mentioned in many folklores and mythologies of people from these countries.
To some Native Americans, penguins are their spirit animal. They believe the animal represents sudden change and survival in extreme conditions. The penguin as a spirit animal also symbolizes embracing the neverending contradictions of humanity.
For many spiritual folks, penguins strike a good balance between being diligent and work-focused while also making room to relax and let loose. This can be an especially pertinent reminder in today’s ‘hustle’ culture. Perhaps, we could all learn a little something from the way penguins live.
Which Celebrities Have A Penguin Tattoo?

Is the idea of getting a penguin tattoo resonating with you? If so, you’re not the only one. There are many celebrities and public figures that have been seen wearing a penguin tattoo as well.
The list of famous folks who have penguin tattoos is exhaustive. So I’ll briefly mention a few favorites down below.
Makeup artist and Youtuber, Nikkie de Jager—better known as NikkieTutorials—has a tattoo of a penguin alongside a wolf, panda, and owl on her left forearm.
However, this tattoo came together bit by bit. It started with just the wolf in front of a geometric background. Soon afterward, Nikkie added the owl (along with a Deathly Hallows symbol), then the panda, and finally the penguin completed the look.
Canadian television personality, Phoebe Dykstra also has a cute penguin tattoo on her right arm. The words ‘I love you’ accompany the design. I can’t help but think that this tattoo represents someone in Phoebe’s life whom she admires.
The singer of the band Best Coast, Bethany Cosentino has a small penguin tattoo located on her right shoulder blade. She also has a bird on her right shoulder.
Another renowned American musician, Christina Perri, celebrates her adoration for penguins with a tattoo on her left hand. She said in an online interview, “I’m a hopeless romantic and penguins I think are the most romantic, cute little animals.”
Finally, Ed Sheeran has the most absurd penguin tattoo that I’ve set my eyes on. Do remember the popular clay animation show, Pingu? Ed has Pingu inked on his bicep with the word ‘meow’ above it. Why? That, I do not know.
I’m sure several other celebrities also have a penguin tattoo. However, for this article, I kept the list to a minimum.
All in all, a penguin tattoo can showcase so many different symbols and meanings which will range from person to person. Whether you want to capture your favorite childhood television character for nostalgic purposes or you want to represent a deeper spiritual meaning, this type of tattoo can do both.
I hope this article has sparked some ideas or inspiration for your next tattoo. A penguin tattoo is an excellent choice for anyone and it can even inspire you to get more animal tattoos in the future.
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