
What to Wear After Shoulder Surgery: Tips and Recommendations

After a shoulder surgery, it is important to take care of the affected area and follow the doctor’s instructions for a successful recovery. One aspect of recovery that many people overlook is what to wear after surgery. Clothing that is too tight or difficult to put on can be uncomfortable and even hinder the healing process.

Choosing the right clothing can make a significant difference in a patient’s comfort level and recovery time. Loose-fitting clothing that can be easily put on and taken off without lifting the arms too high is ideal. Additionally, clothing with buttons or zippers in the front can be helpful to avoid pulling anything over the head, which could cause pain or discomfort.

There are also specialized clothing options available for those recovering from shoulder surgery. Clothing with Velcro or magnetic closures can be helpful for those who have difficulty with buttons or zippers. Additionally, slings and immobilizers may be necessary during the initial recovery period, and clothing that accommodates these devices may be necessary.

Why Clothing Choice Matters

After shoulder surgery, clothing choice becomes an important factor in the recovery process. Patients should take care to choose clothing that is comfortable, easy to put on and take off, and does not interfere with the healing process. Here are a few reasons why clothing choice matters:

Firstly, clothing can impact the range of motion in the affected shoulder. Tight-fitting clothing or clothing with tight sleeves can cause discomfort and restrict movement. Loose-fitting clothing, on the other hand, can allow for more movement and flexibility.

Secondly, clothing can impact the healing process. Clothing that rubs against the incision site or puts pressure on the shoulder can cause pain and slow down the healing process. Patients should choose clothing that is soft, breathable, and does not rub against the affected area.

Lastly, clothing can impact a patient’s overall comfort level. After surgery, patients may experience pain, swelling, and discomfort. Clothing that is too tight or too heavy can exacerbate these symptoms and make the recovery process more difficult. Clothing that is comfortable and easy to wear can help patients feel more at ease and promote a faster recovery.

What to Look for in Clothing

After shoulder surgery, it is important to choose clothing that is comfortable and easy to put on and take off.

Here are some key factors to consider when selecting clothing:

It is also important to consider the length of the clothing. Clothing that is too long or too short can make it difficult to move the arm comfortably. Clothing that is too long may get caught on objects, while clothing that is too short may ride up and cause discomfort.

When shopping for clothing after shoulder surgery, it is a good idea to try on different styles to see what is most comfortable. It may also be helpful to look for clothing that is specifically designed for people recovering from shoulder surgery.

Recommended Clothing Options

After shoulder surgery, it is important to wear clothing that is comfortable and easy to put on and take off.

Here are some recommended clothing options:

It is also important to avoid clothing that is too tight or restrictive around the shoulder area. This can cause discomfort and delay the healing process. Additionally, clothing with pockets or zippers on the shoulder area should be avoided as they can irritate the area and cause pain.

Overall, it is important to prioritize comfort and ease of use when selecting clothing after shoulder surgery. By choosing the right clothing options, individuals can reduce discomfort and promote healing.

Accessories to Aid in Dressing

After shoulder surgery, it can be challenging to dress oneself without assistance. Fortunately, there are several accessories available that can make the process easier and less painful.

One popular option is a dressing stick, which can help the patient reach and manipulate clothing without having to use their injured arm. These sticks typically feature hooks or loops on one end that can be used to pull up pants or skirts, as well as a pusher on the other end that can be used to help put on shirts and jackets.

Another helpful accessory is a sock aid, which can assist in putting on socks without having to bend over or use the injured arm. These aids typically consist of a plastic or metal frame with a cord attached, which the patient can use to pull the sock up over their foot.

For those who wear bras, a bra extender can be a useful tool. These extenders attach to the back of the bra and provide extra length, making it easier to fasten the bra without having to reach behind the back with the injured arm.

Finally, slip-on shoes can be a good option for those who have difficulty tying laces or bending down to put on shoes. There are many styles of slip-on shoes available, from casual sneakers to dress shoes, so patients can find a pair that suits their needs and personal style.


After shoulder surgery, it is important to wear clothing that is comfortable and easy to put on and take off. Loose-fitting tops and pants with elastic waistbands are ideal, as they won’t put any pressure on the shoulder area.

Button-up shirts and blouses can also be a good option, as they can be easily fastened with one hand. Avoid clothing with zippers or tight-fitting sleeves, as these can be difficult to manage during the recovery period.

It’s also important to consider the weather and your daily activities when choosing what to wear. If you will be spending time outdoors, be sure to dress appropriately for the weather and wear shoes with good support. If you will be sitting for long periods of time, choose clothing that won’t become uncomfortable or restrictive.

Overall, the key is to prioritize comfort and convenience. By choosing the right clothing, you can help ensure a smoother and more comfortable recovery process.
