What Wrist To Wear A Watch

Inheriting your father’s or grandfather’s watch is a sign of a boy becoming a man. It’s a coming-of-age tradition that implies that you’re old enough to assume your family’s mantle. Sadly, the truth is that not all heirloom watches look too hot.

So maybe you don’t want to wear your grandpa’s crusty old Timex and you want something more up-to-date. Or, maybe you received a new watch but have no clue how to work it into your closet. 

Fear not, dear reader, as today I’ll teach you what wrist to wear a watch, give you the backstory on wristwatches, supply you with some outfit inspiration, tell you the do’s and don’ts when it comes to watches, and let you know how you can take care of your wristwatch.

What Is A Watch?

A watch is a time-telling device that has grown into a fashion staple. They were definitely more function-oriented upon their inception and were regarded as a status of wealth.

This was mostly the case with pocket watches since only the affluent class could afford them.

These days though it’s a bit strange to carry around a clock on a string, even though we’re cognitively tethered to all of our other devices. So, when we talk about watches throughout this article we’ll only be speaking of wristwatches

History Of Watches

Watches, as we know them, are a relatively modern invention when put in the context of how they’ve evolved. The issue of ‘what wrist to wear a watch on’ wasn’t relevant to the general public until the end of the 19th century.

Military personnel were some of the first common folk to adopt the style even though royalty like Queen Elizabeth I owned them.

Actually, it wasn’t common for men to wear wristwatches at all in the past. They didn’t need to worry about ‘what wrist to wear a watch on’ or what style was the best for them because they used pocket watches. For the longest time wristwatches were exclusively for women.

They only became a fixture of men’s outfits after the British Army started wearing them in the 1880s, and that’s arguably the best thing the British Army ever accomplished.

The earliest wrist watches for men were essentially pocket watches with a leather strap to hold them to your wrist.

Companies like Dimier Frères & Cie were among the first to patent wristwatch designs. These were more streamlined and less bulky than previous offerings.

Watches developed even more in response to the First World War. The strategies employed in that war necessitates synchronicity between units, factions, and artillery, and watchmakers were quick to answer the call to arms. They made the watches tougher to survive trench warfare and heavy gunfire.

These designs proved so successful that by the end of the First World War almost every enlisted soldier wore a wristwatch. The public caught onto this trend after the war ended and it gained traction to the point that wristwatches vastly outnumbered pocket watches.

There haven’t been as many seismic shifts in the industry since then unless you’re looking at it from a technological perspective.

Innovations in lighting, digital watch faces, materials, quartz watches, and other aspects have continued to push the market into more accessible and fashionable directions.

Despite the fact that smartwatches have skyrocketed in popularity, people still like the feel and look of analog watches. Wristwatch developers are finding ways to design watches to reach larger customer bases.

There’s just something timeless about a watch that people love the look of, regardless of how redundant their functionality may be.

The rules for how to wear a watch these days are vastly different than they were in the past. We’re going to teach you about men’s watch styles and how you can integrate them into your wardrobe and look fashionable.

So if you’re wondering ‘how tight should a watch be?’ or ‘which wrist should I wear it on?’ keep reading and you’ll learn all that and more. 

When To Wear A Watch

The only time you shouldn’t wear a watch (pardon the pun) is when you don’t need to tell the time. You’ll find that once you have a watch that you love you’ll be able to match it to almost any outfit and wear it for nearly every occasion. 

This obviously comes with some caveats because some watches are better suited for certain events than others. You’ll learn how to distinguish when to wear some watch types by reading our wristwatch for men styling guide. 

The main point is that especially nowadays, watches are a reliable way to add a spark to your outfits, so you’ll probably want to wear yours whenever you can.

What Wrist To Wear A Watch

Knowing what wrist to wear a watch on usually depends on which hand is your dominant hand. Right-handed people will normally wear their watch on their left wrist.

You can flip this system if you’re left-handed. However, this isn’t a hard and fast rule. It’s mostly a matter of intuition since we’re more likely to wear the watch on whichever wrist feels more natural to check.

Now that you have the basic principles of wristwatches down, next up, I’m going to check out our outfit ideas for wristwatches.

5 Outfit Ideas With Watches

Our first watch outfit idea is a bit ‘outside of the box.’ You don’t see many people wearing white watches, but we wanted to begin with a bolder take on the style.

This outfit is all about balancing lighter tones with dark hues. The model is wearing a light blue shirt that works alongside the darker shade of pants. However, the main takeaway is how he coordinates his accessories. 

The belt, the shoes, and the bow tie all match his watch’s color. This coordination works even if you choose a black color scheme but white just has a different vibe. It projects confidence.

You’ll also notice that the watch is an analog with a chunky face. We suggest picking a watch with that shape as it sticks out more than if you were to select a subtler design.

Speaking of subtle, our second outfit idea has that concept locked down. It uses earthy tones and relaxed garments for a casual yet sophisticated look. It’s great for dates or dinner with friends.

In this instance, the watch supports the rest of the outfit. You’ll want to choose a watch with a leather band that’s either brown or black since it’ll pair well with your clothing’s colors.

The shoulder bag is a nice addition that adds another layer without you having to wear an additional article of clothing.

Look closely and you’ll notice the color coordination between the bag and the shoes. Just like our last outfit idea, matching your accessories is crucial.

Despite this, we recommend not being overly ‘matchy-matchy.’ That way you can still make your watch the focal point of your outfit. 

It may be hard to tell in this photo because of the model’s wrist angle, but, in regard to color, the watch stands out and dominates the accessories and footwear. This is the perfect way to show off your beloved timepiece (without going overboard). 

Despite their minimalistic design, some people find it hard to style an Apple Watch or other smartwatches with their outfits. In this case, ‘what wrist to wear a watch on’ isn’t the main concern—how you wear it is.

Apple Watches are very modern so you’ll want to combine them with modern-looking pieces. For instance, wearing a light-down jacket like the one in our example is a great option. It carries the same energy as the watch too. They’re both dependable, sleek, and forward-thinking.

Keep this in mind: we wouldn’t advise you to wear vintage or thrifted clothes with an Apple Watch since the styles will clash. Instead, opt for pieces that have a more dignified feel.

Here’s an outfit that combines urban and high culture. We wouldn’t suggest pairing classier clothes with a casual watch, but flipping that equation works surprisingly well.

Outfits like this—pairing an oversized hoodie with a Rolex—are on-trend. Rap musicians have been namedropping designer brands for a long time as a way to gloat about their wealth.

But why rap about it when you can just live that life? And since images can travel much faster than words can, you can show off your cool style to the masses.

Pairing a toned-down outfit with a statement piece such as a Rolex watch communicates that you’re trying to show off. It doesn’t make you look lazy, it makes you look thoughtful.

Of course, you don’t need an astronomically large ring as the one Drake has, but adding one certainly couldn’t hurt.

With outfits like these, what matters most is that the rest of your clothes are tame and relaxed so that the watch can shine.

Our final watch outfit features a smartwatch again, but even an activity tracker like a FitBit will work here. The purpose of the watch is to give the outfit a bit of flair while still catering to modern tastes.

Your clothes should do the talking here. Notice how the model is wearing a bright yellow undershirt and a dark navy button-up top.

In this case, the clothes soak up the attention but the watch, with its minimal design and neutral color, completes the look. In fact, it rounds out the entire outfit.

What Type of Watches Can You Get?

Watches can, and will usually, do much more than just tell time. Many of them have multiple functions and work as 2022’s take on a pager.

Some watch types include:

  1. Analog watches
  2. Digital watches
  3. Smartwatches
  4. Activity trackers

Learning what wristwatch to wear depends on which features most appeal to you

How To Choose The Best Watch

Now that you know what wrist to wear a watch on and so much more, it’s time to consider buying one. When thinking about how to choose the best watch for you, or for anyone, there are a few major factors that can guide your decision.

First is your budget. You can walk into a dollar store and buy a cheap watch if you just want something to help you keep track of time.

However, if you considered this an option, then you probably wouldn’t be reading an article titled “What Wrist To Wear A Watch.”

In terms of watch prices, there’s virtually no ceiling. It’s not uncommon for people to spend thousands of dollars on a watch. Of course, that’s not necessary but having a larger budget opens up more options.

The next variable to consider is the watch’s material. This applies both to the watch itself and to its band. Watches can be made of metals, plastics, or ceramics, and they can each complement your skin tone in different ways.

Similarly, a watch band’s material can dictate its style. For instance, leather bands have a different vibe than metal bands. You probably wouldn’t want to wear either if you’re going to the gym, but there are watches with rubber straps for those occasions.

That leads us to our next tip: think about when you’ll wear your watch. Your purpose will determine which watch you purchase. There are some watches that combine functionality with fashion like the Withings Steel HR Hybrid Smartwatch.

That being said, watches like that may not be classy enough for weddings or other ritzy events.

How To Style Watches

Even though we gave you some concrete outfit ideas to help you style your watch, it’s best to think of them as blueprints rather than laws. We mostly want you to draw inspiration from them. 

That said, there are some general styling tips to keep in mind anytime you wear a watch. The first, and we mentioned this already, is that your watch should match your accessories.

Whether that’s the color or the material, your watch should go along with items like your bag, your belt, and any jewelry.

Next, think about your watch’s size. A chunkier watch can look too flashy next to slim outfits.

Usually, you can never have too small of a watch while the same can’t be said for larger watches with huge faces. They’re not a fashion faux-pas, but they are harder to style.

Finally, consider the material of the watch. For instance, will a leather watch look good if you’re covered in athletic apparel? Probably not. So think about wearing watches with a similar feel or vibe as the rest of your clothes.

Fashion Tips To Avoid With Watches

You’d be surprised how hard it can be to screw up styling a watch, but there are people who burn their pasta instead of boiling it, so anything is possible. With that in mind, here are some quick fashion tips to avoid with watches.

  • Only wear one watch at a time: Wearing multiple watches instantly looks corny and deflates the value of the watches.
  • Don’t wear bracelets on the same wrist as your watch: It’ll make your wrist look too busy.
  • Avoid mismatching your shoes and your watch: This is in regards to formality. You shouldn’t wear a Rolex and a pair of flip-flops, or a pair of Yves Saint-Laurent Chelsea boots and a watch you got out of a cereal box.

How To Take Care Of Watches

Watch maintenance is a bit of an art form which is why there’s still a market for watchmakers and repairmen. The best way for you to prolong the lifespan of a good wristwatch is by taking care of it. 

You should change your strap at least once a year, especially if it’s leather. It’s easy for watch straps to degrade over time and loosen up. It doesn’t matter how tight a watch should be when the strap is falling apart at its seams.

Furthermore, watch straps trap odor like nothing else. We’d tell you to smell your dad’s old watch if you don’t believe us but we don’t want to put you through that pain.

Another way to take care of your watch is by changing the battery on a regular basis. This isn’t nearly as important for smartwatches (whose batteries you can recharge) or solar-powered watches, but the point of a watch is to tell the time. 

Routinely cleaning the watch face will uphold its appearance. A smudgy watch looks unsightly, and it doesn’t take long to give it a good wipe with some cleaning product and a rag.

Best Places To Buy Watches

Everybody these days knows the biggest watch producers. Rolex, Michael Kors, and Fossil all sit atop that throne. Yet even if you’re not trying to purchase a brand-name watch, you should still know the best places to buy watches. 

Here are some of the most reliable retailers:

  • Department stores like Nordstrom and Macy’s
  • Directly through watch manufacturers
  • Pawnshops
  • Antique stores

Final Thoughts

A watch is the easiest way to add some pizzaz to your outfits. Whether you’re sporty, sophisticated, thrifty, or somewhere in-between, there’s a watch that can only improve your style. The best part is that finding the perfect watch is up to you. 

So long as you keep our considerations in mind and look at watches that harmonize with your outfits—and with your personality—then there’s virtually no way you can go wrong.

So, issues like ‘what wrist to wear a watch on’ shouldn’t concern you anymore, and you’re ready to get shopping for your perfect wristwatch. 

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