34 Best Scarface Tattoo Ideas
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About Scarface Tattoos

There’s something about a cult classic that’s built to withstand the test of time. Action, adventure, horror, and more, these films are all about transcending time through key elements that draw the fans and attention to keep viewers coming back.
I’d argue there’s no better way to honor a fan favorite than through the introduction of some new artwork. While there are a lot of cult classics to be admired over the years, I’d with a seminal favorite – maybe even something like a Scarface tattoo.
I know that this one won’t be an instant seller for everyone, however, I think that there will be some interest from fans of the film.
Whether using this article to gain insight and Scarface ideas or simply using it to get some creativity going for other artwork designs – either way, I’ll be taking a look at the meaning, placements, costs, and more to help guide those interested in adding a new piece to their portfolio.
What Do Scarface Tattoos Mean and Symbolize?

Off the bat, I’ll acknowledge that some may not see the real meaning and symbolism behind either the movie or a Scarface tattoo.
Totally fair.
The movie is a classic gangster film that seems to be hit or miss depending on favored film genres. It’s really up to the viewer for this one.
However, for those who would love nothing more than a Scarface tattoo to show off, I wanted to list out a few meanings behind the popular images seen on arms, calves, and shoulders.
These definitely aren’t the only options available for paying homage to this film, but they’re definitely some fan-favorite Scarface designs:
- X – lined closely to the title (which overlays an X), this symbol comes to mean everything surrounding the life of a gangster. While the film uses the letter throughout as a marking of those who need to be killed, it also stands for a larger Scarface meaning – the life of a gangster is no real life.
Though the action may appear fun at first, the danger and repetitive appearance of the X stand to remind us that these lifestyles aren’t worth the risk. - The World is Yours – pride is everything in this cult classic, so it’s no wonder that this Scarface tattoo often appears as a favorite for fans.
Originally appearing as the slogan for a tour company, the central character Tony takes it on as a personal motto, believing he deserves nothing less than the world itself. While inevitable downfall makes this motto more tragic, this line often finds itself appearing in the minds of fans. - Tony’s Match – I’ll admit that this one isn’t huge in the Scarface tattoo world, however, it does make waves in more detailed crowds.
Appearing as a match to light a cigarette, this flame often gets read as the passing of the torch from mentor to mentee. While the tale may not end well, we have to appreciate passing the power to the next generation. - Tony – the tragic figure himself often finds a face on Scarface tattoo designs simply due to the fact that his story as the tragic hero is a fan favorite. Nothing quite calls out the film’s complexity quite like Tony’s own image as the star of the show.
Where To Get A Scarface Tattoo

When aiming to get a Scarface tattoo, there are a few considerations that have to come into play while in the planning stages. Don’t just jump right into the chair and head in blindly. There are a few key things to consider prior to getting that ink in place:
- Image – first (and maybe most important) thing to consider in getting a Scarface tattoo is the design itself. The symbolism behind the image can really mean different things to different people, and depending on the final design, it’s good to consider how the public may receive the art.
While I have no issues in showing off what you love, some workplaces may not appreciate Tony’s face staring back at them during meetings. - Personal Style – some individuals love showing off their artwork and the designs that they style while others prefer to keep things hidden for personal viewing or meaning.
Take into consideration how willing you’ll be to answer constant questions on the design and meaning as those whose symbols are seen by the public often face many queries. - Size – size can have a huge impact on placement. Larger designs need a more expansive canvas and often find homes on the thigh, back, or ribs. Smaller styles tend to appear on inner arms, calves, and collarbones.
- Lifespan – one key aspect to keep in mind with placement regards the life expectancy of the ink itself. Areas that typically receive more coverage from sun exposure and less constant friction are more likely to last.
While the thigh may be covered from the sun, the daily movement in jeans can lead to the ink breaking down. Looking for loose and covered areas like the forearm, outer collarbone, back, and ribs with lasting details and colors.
How Much Do Scarface Tattoos Cost?

I desperately wish I could just throw together a list of what exactly a Scarface tattoo would cost, however, there are a lot of elements at play.
Prices constantly range depending on a number of considerations and, though I’ll get more into why tattoos cost so much and what one can expect, the best way to deal with getting a tattoo is simply by doing research on local artists, their styles, and their prices.
As with any tattoo, the cost really tends to come down to three key factors:
- Artist – different artists have different costs. This depends on their history and work as a whole as those with more training and higher-end clients often charge more for their work. Different locations and styles can also equate to changes in costs, so be sure to really take a look at their style and pricing before committing.
- Size – another huge consideration to keep in mind before booking is the size of the piece. Tattoos aren’t exactly cheap, so anyone hoping for minimal costs should probably look around for other artforms.
Mini tattoos typically sit in the $50 to $80 mark while bigger pieces easily go into thousands of dollars. This comes down to the cost of ink combined with the time spent on the tattoo itself. - Details – speaking of ink and time, the last key factor to know before getting a Scarface tattoo is the detail. Tattoos that require more delicate work will often end up costing more money as they use more ink, take more time, and require much more effort on the artist’s part. Minimal typically equals cheaper, so words or single-line designs will on average cost less.
34 Best Scarface Tattoo Designs


































History Of Scarface Tattoos

Before getting a Scarface tattoo, it’s good to know a bit of background. I’d assume that those interested in marking their love for the film on their body would already know the messages behind it.
Just in case, I’m going to give a quick overview just in case someone’s reading this article with no knowledge but a sudden desire to see Tony’s face on their inner arm.
Scarface originally came to the world during times of Prohibition, coming first from the 1929 novel of the same name, the narrative first saw screen time in its 1932 film.
Though popular for its time, many who adore the cult classic show their love through the 1983 remake directed by Brian De Palma and starring Al Pacino.
Telling the story of a man’s fall due to pride, this film depicts the horrors associated with the lives of gangsters and the inevitable tragic endings they all face.
While most main characters would find themselves seeing some form of retribution or lesson learned at the end, part of Scarface’s charm comes from the central character’s inability to accept his flaws, ultimately costing him his life.
Coming down to a matter of pride, this film serves both as an adventure for the viewer and a reminder of keeping the ego in check. Of course, it’s well-loved for Al Pacino too.
Which Celebrities Have a Scarface Tattoo?

As far as I can tell, no celebrities have openly displayed any Scarface tattoos as of yet.
While these artworks are popular among fans of the cult classic, I’ll be the first to admit that it would take a lot for actors, especially to commit to such large pieces that would only have to be covered up for roles.
I’m not saying it will never happen, but for now, I’ll argue that those interested in seeing some possible art for Scarface tattoos should just turn to the fans.
From all of the pieces I’ve seen over the years, this cult classic has some incredibly talented and devoted people at the core of the fan base. Who needs celebrity inspiration when we can find it from those in the crowd?
Looking for more inkspiration? We’ve got you covered: