34 Mom Tattoo Heart Ideas
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About Mom Heart Tattoos

Thinking about getting a highly personalized gift for your mom that will bring out all of the feels on her birthday? How about a mom tattoo heart that showcases all of your love and affection for your mom?
After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, and there’s no better way to show your mother how much she means to you than getting a permanent tattoo inked in her honor.
The mom tattoo heart has been popular with people all over the world, and it especially gains attention during special occasions like Mother’s Day.
Of course, many people choose to get this tattoo as a way to portray their love for their mom and to commemorate the importance she holds in her children’s lives.
In fact, there are endless ways to depict this tattoo in order to bring out the mom tattoo heart meaning that is most personal to you.
Here are some of the things we’ll be exploring in this article to really understand the importance of these meaningful tattoos:
- Mom tattoo heart meanings
- Best places to get the mom tattoo heart
- Mom tattoo heart ideas
- Mom tattoo heart designs
What Do Mom Heart Tattoos Mean and Symbolize?

As we mentioned, there are several ways you can design a mom tattoo heart in order to convey a specific, personalized meaning. However, there are some general meanings that can be applied to most, if not all, mom heart tattoos:
- Mom tattoo heart for love: For those looking for a way to show their mamma some love on an occasion like Mother’s Day—or just any day—getting a mom heart tattoo would be a perfect idea!
- Mom tattoo heart for respect: If you wish to portray your utmost respect for your mother, then you should definitely get this tattoo. It will not only show your mom how much you love her but also how much you respect her.
- Mom tattoo heart for celebration: Getting a mom tattoo heart is a great way to celebrate your relationship with your mom (whether it’s for her birthday or just any day). Plus, she would be in awe of it all throughout her special day!
- Mom tattoo heart for remembrance: If you’ve lost your mother and would like to commemorate her memory, then getting a mom heart tattoo allows you to do that by keeping her name permanently with you.
Where to Get a Mom Heart Tattoo

Of course, there are endless options in terms of where you can get your tattoo. But, there are some places that hold specific meanings—such as the ones listed above. Here are a few significant places to get the mom heart tattoo:
- Chest: Getting a mom heart tattoo on your chest, specifically close to your heart, can symbolize love for your mom and an appreciation for all that she does for you. This is a great tattoo for a special day like Mother’s Day or her birthday.
- Shoulder: If you want to show your mother how much you truly respect her, then getting a shoulder mom heart tattoo is the perfect way to do this. It will also help you remember all of the times you were able to share your thoughts and worries with her without any hesitation.
- Arm: For those who are looking for ways to celebrate their relationship with their mother on a special occasion like her birthday, getting a mom heart tattoo on the arm is the best place for it. This will allow you to conceal the tattoo under a long-sleeve shirt until you’re ready to reveal your surprise.
- Wrist: The inside of the wrist is a special place that’s suitable for getting a mom heart tattoo for remembrance—especially if your mother has unfortunately passed away or you cannot see her often due to unforeseen circumstances. It’s a very personal spot, since the tattoo is only visible to you and anyone you allow to see it.
Each place holds a very special meaning, so make sure you thoroughly think about where you’d like to get your mom tattoo heart. It’s also important to note that these permanent tattoos last for about 10-15 years.
So you’ll want to ensure that you’re getting it on a part of your body that you’ll always appreciate. That way you’ll be able to admire your tattoo and reminisce about all of the happy memories for years to come.
How Much Do Mom Heart Tattoos Cost?

Since permanent tattoos can last for several years, you’ll want to make sure that you’re comfortable with the design and price of your tattoo.
You should research the type of design you want along with the tattoo artists that you’re interested in. So, you’ll have all of the price estimates and tattoo ideas before you actually go to your appointment.
Usually, tattoo parlors charge on an hourly basis for most designs, so any intricate or large tattoos will cost you more money than the simple and small designs.
The average hourly cost starts from $100 and goes up depending on the artist’s experience, popularity, and the base rates of the tattoo parlor.
Here’s our number-one tip: select the design and know the price before your actual appointment to avoid any surprises—or worse, disappointments.
34 Best Mom Heart Tattoo Designs


































History Of The Mom Heart Tattoo

Now that we’ve discussed the types of mom heart tattoos there are, let’s consider where this popular tattoo originated from. Even though it’s difficult to trace the complete history of the tattoo, there are several sources that trace it back to an Irish sailor.
This sailor is rumored to have gotten a heart tattoo that had a banner within the design, and inside the banner, the word “MOM” was printed.
According to InkedMag this Irish sailor wore this tattoo in memory of a folk song “Kissed Me Darling Mother.” This inspired a lot of sons and daughters of the time to wear the mom tattoo heart to show their love and admiration for their mothers.
The classic mom heart tattoo is usually designed with a red heart that has a banner inside. Some people also choose to add additional designs and embellishments around the heart, which can add another layer of meaning to the tattoo.
Often, flowers and veils are seen surrounding the heart which symbolizes a growing/blossoming bond between the children and their mother.
Plus, some people personalize the tattoo with their mother’s initials. They also tend to include images of things that have significant meaning in their life—especially in regard to their relationship with their mothers.
This, in turn, makes their tattoo even more special since all of the elements of the tattoo have been well thought out.
For those who have lost their mother, they might add the birthdate of their mother or her death anniversary to the design in order to commemorate her memory with their tattoo.
Usually, these tattoos will have a somber look to them. They’ll also include design elements that are meant to showcase the sorrow and the great loss that the wearer has to bear.
Despite the inherent meanings attached to the designs, however, the wearer can always personalize the tattoo based on how they’d like to appreciate, celebrate, or commemorate all that their mother has done for them—and of course, to acknowledge the important place she holds in their hearts.
Which Celebrities Have a Mom Heart Tattoo?

With all of these wonderful tattoos to show mothers how much their children appreciate them, it’s no surprise that some celebrities have also decided to express their love for their moms through these mom heart tattoos.
English model and photographer, Brooklyn Beckham, has a tattoo of a heart with a “MUM” banner inside. He has decorated this mom tattoo heart with a few roses inside and a large rose surrounding the beautiful floral heart.
Adam Levine also has a simple mom heart tattoo—although he got it for a reason different from the others.
The Maroon 5 singer got a simple heart with a “MOM” banner inside to gain her approval, since she did not like all the other tattoos that he had. He hilariously mentioned that “she hates this one slightly less than the others.”
Essentially, the mom tattoo heart has given us an outlet to express our feelings of gratitude towards our moms for all that they’ve done and continue to do for us.
These tattoos allow people to express their love and affection for their mothers and can become a great present for special occasions like your mom’s birthday or Mother’s Day.
So, if you’re looking for a way to showcase your appreciation and love for your mom, then you should definitely consider getting a mom heart tattoo!
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