
30 Best Monarch Butterfly Tattoo Ideas 

About Monarch Butterfly Tattoos

Best Monarch Butterfly Tattoo Ideas 

The monarch butterfly is one of the most popular insects on this planet. It’s highly recognizable and well studied around the world. So there’s no surprise that the monarch butterfly tattoo is just as popular. 

While butterfly tattoos have been a favorite choice since the early ‘90s, the monarch butterfly tattoo is an extra special design.

And when done with the butterfly’s red/orange/yellow hues on its wings, this is a tattoo that stands out and will also stand the test of time. 

If you’ve been thinking about getting some new ink of your own, the monarch butterfly tattoo is an attractive option. And we’ve got 41 tattoo photos below to give you some design inspiration and convince you of just that. 

What Do Monarch Butterfly Tattoos Mean And Symbolize?

I know that you’re probably thinking, what does the monarch butterfly tattoo mean anyways? Well, the butterfly itself is a highly symbolic creature.

So, when discussing the monarch butterfly tattoo meaning, it would be helpful to also discuss the meaning of the butterfly. 

Butterflies are most commonly known to symbolize beauty because of the unique and beautiful design of their wings. So, it’s not unlikely that one might get a monarch butterfly tattoo because of their love for aesthetics and all things beautiful. 

Since butterflies are born as caterpillars that eventually cocoon themselves before breaking free as beautiful butterflies, these majestic beings also represent rebirth and change.

This meaning might lead someone to get a monarch butterfly tattoo after a major life change—whether it be emotional, personal, or professional. 

Freedom is another common meaning of the butterfly. The interesting insect is equipped with wings that carry them wherever they choose to go.

This might tempt an independent person into getting a butterfly tattoo to honor their free spirit. However, this tattoo could also act as a reminder to the wearer to live more freely. 

Where To Get A Monarch Butterfly Tattoo

Butterflies are often associated with freedom so it’s no surprise that you have the freedom to place this unique tattoo anywhere you want. Consider the human body to be a large canvas with endless possibilities

Since there are many areas where you can place your monarch butterfly tattoo, it might be difficult to pick one. But with the help of your tattoo artist, we’re sure you’ll find the best place for your monarch butterfly tattoo designs.

Nevertheless, whether you have your placement all picked out or you need a little inspiration, consider the following places for your monarch butterfly tattoo: 

Hand tattoos have only grown in popularity since their first introduction into the world of tattoos. Fingers make a great place for dainty and smaller designs. It’s also a placement adored by celebrities from Lana Del Ray to Rihanna. 

Don’t discount your face for tattoos. The placement is popular amongst many in the entertainment industry but it can also make a great place for a tattoo of your very own.

A small micro design beside the eye is cute and quaint but a larger design on the cheek is also a cool look. 

The neck is another placement appreciated by Hollywood’s elite. The 360-degree area offers plenty of space for a slew of creative designs.

Tattoo a design of a monarch butterfly flying around your neck or keep it contemporary with a medium-sized design at the center of your neck. 

Wear your love for monarch butterflies on your sleeve and tattoo your arm. With optimal space, the arm is another great placement for a monarch butterfly tattoo.

From the bicep to the wrist, the arm offers more than enough space to get extremely creative with your designs, 

Your shoulders aren’t just beneficial in keeping your tank top straps on, the helpful body part also offers optimal space for tattoos. Utilize the front, back, or the top of the shoulder for your monarch butterfly tattoo.

The back is always a great placement for a tattoo. The massive amount of room gives you even more freedom to get creative or even scale your design tall and wide. 

In the early 2000s butterfly tattoos were known to grace the lower back or even backside. While it did come with a few judgemental looks, the times have changed and lower back tattoos are a little more embraced than before.

The ankle is a popular placement for a monarch butterfly tattoo. Tatt the outside so others can easily view your adoration for the flying insect or tatt the inside of your ankle for a more subdued design

Like the arm, the leg offers a lot of space for a tattoo. With the thigh, knee, and shin there’s no telling how creative you and your artist can get. 

How Much Do Monarch Butterfly Tattoos Cost?

It’s rather difficult to offer up a price point for a monarch butterfly tattoo, since it would be challenging to quote the price of any tattoo. Like all other body art, the cost of a tattoo is determined by several factors.

In addition to this, you might also need to consider where you live and what the competition is like for tattooing. Basically, these are the factors that determine the price of a tattoo:

  1. Deposit: Most, if not all, tattoo artists require a set deposit before they begin any work on your tattoo. This deposit is decided by the artist themselves or the parlor in which they work. 
  1. The artist: The more skilled or seasoned your artist is will affect the price of your monarch butterfly tattoo. 
  1. Size: Size is another determining factor when considering the price of your tattoo. However, do not be mistaken. A small tattoo can also be costly if it is very detailed.
  2. Color: Coloring is a skill set that not every tattoo artist is versed in. Coloring also requires more appointments in some cases. Both are reasons why coloring your tattoo will increase its price.
  3. Time: The longer it takes to complete your tattoo, the pricier the design will be. Consider this when you’re thinking about how detailed or intricate you want your design to be. Time is money and that’s something tattoo artists know well. 

When it comes time for aftercare, follow the advice your artist will give you. Be diligent in keeping your skin hydrated and dry when it needs to be.

Utilizing SPF all year round will also increase the lifespan of your monarch butterfly tattoo ideas.

While tattoos are considered permanent pieces of art, the skin is a complex organ. And with aging and the everyday effects of the climate, there’s just no telling how your tattoo will look as you continue to change and grow.

Taking care of your tattoo ensures that it’ll look the best for all of your days.

30 Best Monarch Butterfly Tattoo Designs































History Of The Monarch Butterfly Tattoo

While some might argue that Mariah Carey invented all things butterfly, it’s hard to exactly pinpoint who or what made the monarch butterfly tattoo popular.

All we know is that the design never stopped recruiting followers and fans and we’re quite sure it never will. 

You can date the monarch butterfly tattoo as far as the early ‘90s and some might date it back further than then. It’s a common design with a lot of significant meaning so it’s no wonder why this design is so popular. 

Which Celebrities Have A Monarch Butterfly Tattoo?

If there’s any group of people that love tattoos as much as your favorite ink addict, it’s celebrities. Nearly every modern entertainer has some form of body art these days—ranging from script tatts to hilarious imagery. 

In between the vast collection of celebrity tattoos, butterfly designs seem to have made quite the impression on the A-listers.

While the monarch butterfly tattoo is a specific butterfly design, there are lots of celebrities with general butterfly tattoos. When it comes to this unique and beautiful tattoo, the following celebrities are proud wearers:

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